31 March 2012
New Dream/Inspiration Board #12
27 March 2012
26 March 2012
25 March 2012
Decorating Cookies
I've impressed of those cookies every time I see them.
sources: 1. www.cakeshautecouture.com 2. unknown 3. kreavie.ca 4. bakerella.com 5. katelandersevents 6. peggyporschen.com 7. unknown 8. melangery.com 9. kitka.ca 10. sweetsugarbelle.com 11. lilaloa 12. tartasdecoradasycupcakes.com 13. amelieshouse 14. bakedideas.com 15. www.cakeshautecouture.com
Old posts with decorating cookies: Cookies One and Cookies Two.
22 March 2012
Gudrun Sjödén
Gudrun Sjödén and her bright and crazy clothes.
Gudrun Sjoden is a Scandinavian designer from Sweden. She make a colorful clothes and home interiors.
All images by www.gudrunsjoden.com
21 March 2012
20 March 2012
19 March 2012
Apple Crostata
Very tasty apple crostata, I made it using a recipe by Martha Stewart. But I took the cheep parmesan instead of cheddar. And I used 2.5 apples for every crostata instead of 4 apples.
Recipe Crostata by Martha Stewart
Recipe Cheddar dough.
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